Let’s get to know
each other
• about me •
My story
Hi! I'm Melissa Beasley, founder of Love-Essentials. I am the single mother of two beautiful, crazy, dirty, sweet, don't-know-how-to-sit-still boys. They are the reason I get up in the morning (literally, I would stay in bed soooo much longer if it wasn't for the whole "your kids need an education and we've decided it should start at sunrise-thirty in the a.m." thing). They are also the reason I became a business owner.
Love Essentials was started when, out of a desperate attempt to do something about my son's horrible diaper rashes from hell, I formulated a diaper cream. None of the traditional advice had worked, and I couldn't stand for my baby to be so miserable, so I started researching for alternative ways to help him. Armed with a degree in biochemistry, a love for the healing powers of nature, and a mother's determination I made a salve for his sweet little baby bum.
And it worked!!! His bottom started doing better! I was hooked; I fell in love with formulating skincare products.

The beginning

Unfortunately, things were not all rosy and perfect. Not long after this I left my destructive marriage and moved myself and my two children in with my parents. I needed to start supporting myself, so my skincare hobby quickly became my first business, Love-Essential Skin Care. Building my business was a cauldron of facing my deepest fears and trauma, and facilitating personal evolution. Once I had passed through that fire, I knew it was my mission to go back and show other women the way through.
I want to show women that they are powerful, full of magic, and capable of creating a life they love. My skin care rituals bring women back to their inner selves, help them to remember who they are, and build their lives on their deep truths. My blog and social media speaks to the power women have when they honor themselves and each other, and shines light on the ways the outside world seeks to keep them blind to their innate wisdom. When I work one-on-one with a woman, we discover the lies that have kept her in a life that doesn't fit her, identify her deep desires, and reconnect to her innate strength. She rebuilds her life her own way so she can be the powerful force that she was put on this earth to be.
My vision